Tuesday, January 14, 2014

How to Fix Canon IP2770 Error 5B00 Without Resetter

I've searched all over the internet and found nothing to fix my Canon IP2770 error 5B00. I have tried all of software posted on other blogs, and there is no luck. It just gave me an error, not responding and hang all the way. I am wondering why other people saying that this software is working and the other one is saying not working at all and gave errors same as mine. I have solved  this error by doing some method.


1. Is your Canon IP2770 has an CISS? If yes, proceed to next step.
2.Open your printer and cartridge holder and make some hole like the image below. That's the reason why our printer Canon IP2770 got and error 5B00 and won't able to reset via software resetter.

3. Close cartridge holder and cover. Turn off printer and then on again. And there you go.. You've fixed your Canon IP2770 Error 5B00.

If Procedures Above Doesn't Work :

Try this simple steps using resetter.

Download working resetter below.

Service Mode :

  • Make sure the printer is off and the power cord are plugged in.
  • Press RESUME button for about two seconds
  • Then press POWER button until the green light flame (while pressing the POWER button, ... don't release RESUME button)
  • Then release the Resume button, but do not release the POWER button.
  • POWER button while still pressed, press the Resume button 5 times. Led will flash alternately orange glow green with the last orange. Then ...
  • Release both buttons simultaneously.
  • Led will blink briefly and then will glow GREEN.
  • The computer will detect new devices, please ignore .....
  • This situation is called SERVICE MODE iP2770 and iP2770 ready to be reset.

How To Use Resetter:

  • Exctract File iP2770 Resetter.
  • Prepare a two paper in the printer (to print at the time of the reset process).
  • Run the program iP2770 Resetter
  • Click "MAIN", then the printer will proceed and iP2770 will print one page with the words "D = 000.0"
  • Click the "EEPROM Clear".
  • Then click the "EEPROM", and the printer will print the results off iP2770 Resetter. One of the writing row as follows:
  • "TPage (TTL = 00 000)"
  • Turn off the printer by pressing the POWER button.
  • Done ...